Careers Guidance
Students are supported and guided with applying for Colleges/Sixth Forms by their Employability Career Advisors. Over the course of the year the students will be making some big decisions about their future.
We are using ‘Our Futures’ for careers advice within our school. During the year the students will take part in a one to one career guidance interviews in school with their Career Advisor.
MVLA’s Our Futures lead is Helen Buzdugan. Our Futures can be contacted on 0161 7760037 and are based at 1 Clarendon Road, Salford. M44 5ZA.
Our careers advisor works closely with both KS3 and KS4 pupils to set targets and goals for the future. Pupils receive guidance throughout the year. We also have our own staff based within school who support students on a daily basis.
We complete a careers audit to measure and assess the impact of the careers programme on our students. This is updated regularly and reviewed by our Management Committee at least annually.
We monitor our work against the Gatsby Benchmarks and are we have a provider access statement. This can be found here:
MVLA Provider Access Statement
If you would like any further information about our careers programme please contact the school or email