Most of our policies are available below. Click the links to view and download a copy of the latest version. If you require a paper copy of any of these policies, please contact the school office on 0161 2250567 or by emailing

Please note that we have a co-headteacher arrangement in place. When policies refer to ‘the headteacher’ this can mean whichever headteacher is in charge at that time, unless the specific headteacher is named or an exception is noted.

Absconding Policy

Accessibility Plan

Admissions Policy

Anti-bullying Policy

Anti-Smoking and Vaping Policy

Assessment Policy

Attendance Policy

Behaviour Policy

Blended Learning Policy

CCTV Policy

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Children with health needs who cannot attend

Complaints Procedure

Critical Incident Policy

Curriculum Policy

Curriculum Plan

Data Protection inc Biometric

Drugs Policy

EAL Policy

ECT Policy

Educational Visits Policy

Equal Opportunities Policy

Exams Policy

Exclusion and Suspension Policy

First Aid Policy

Gifting Policy

Headlice Policy

Health and Safety Policy

LAC Designated Teacher

Marking and Feedback Policy

Mobile Phone Policy

MVLA Dress Code

Off-rolling statement

Online Safety Policy

Persistent Complainant

Phonics Policy

Premises Management Policy

Provider Access Statement

Reading Policy

Reference Policy

Relationships and Sex Education Policy

Remote Learning Policy

Risk Assessment Policy

SEND Policy

SMSC Policy

Staff Absence Management Policy

Staff Capability Procedure

Staff Code of Conduct

Staff Disciplinary Procedure

Student Contact Policy

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions

Trauma informed statement

Unacceptable Behaviour Policy

Volunteer Policy

Welcome back procedure

Whistleblowing Policy